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University Lutheran Chapel Ann Arbor - Sermons

Jun 25, 2023

We continue our sermon series Dead Guy Summer with a message from Pastor Marcus on how the firstborn of creation became the firstborn from the dead to reconcile you to God. 

Jun 18, 2023

In the lives and deaths of Perpetua and Felicity we see two women who did not settle for shallow answers in life, but lived in light of a deeper reality, who they were in Christ. May we too embrace a Spirit of adoption, a vision of glory, and hope that triumphs in the face of despair.

Jun 11, 2023

In this sermon series, we look at the lives of the saints, not to place them upon pedestals, but to ultimately look beyond them. There is no better example than Martin Luther, whose life and teaching remind us to look beyond ourselves to Christ, who is our righteousness.

Jun 4, 2023

In the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, we see the radical call to follow Jesus and live lives of countercultural faithfulness. This is not an easy call, but the one who calls has freely given himself for us, so we long to freely follow after Him.