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University Lutheran Chapel Ann Arbor - Sermons

Feb 20, 2023

As we close our Non-Negotiables series, we recognize that God, in Christ, has reconciled us to himself and to each other that we might be the place where his healing presence can dwell by the power of his Holy Spirit.

Feb 12, 2023

Pastor Marcus shares a message partnering together with one another and with other kingdom-minded partners to embrace our calling as a church, reflecting the life of Jesus into the world. 

Feb 6, 2023

Speaking empty words without action is not faith. Intellectual ascent is not faith. Feelings are not faith. Faith is trusting in Jesus in such way that one’s entire life is oriented around following him.

Jan 29, 2023

Pastor Marcus preaches a message how God's grace and power make the Church the Church and propel the mission of God.

Jan 23, 2023

As we look to the Christ’s return, we recognize the hospitality we’ve received from God in Christ Jesus and seek to live intentional lives of love, welcome, and grace towards others.